Lee Jin Ju
Lee Jin Ju is a Korean artist who weaves memories, emotions and objects from her past together to make fantastical paintings. Ju works from her childhood to moments she would rather forget and still further through the varied stages of her womanhood. Compiled altogether into isolated dreamscapes Ju's works aim to address emotions rather than realistic depictions of events. Like a jumbled dream with no clear beginning or ending her paintings achieve a wakeful sense of unconsciousness. According to the artist she and several female friends experienced acts of violence; this left her feeling vulnerable and confused. She used her art to delve deeper and work through these unwelcome memories allowing her female personas only a thin layer of protection owed to their stockings. She felt free to supplement her work along the way with objects from her former homes and remove anything she felt detracted from the focus of the piece. For examples, Ju chose to remove the women's hair and most clothes to keep it from changing the viewer's perspective.

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